Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednes., April 9, 2008

AIM: Students will continue to devlelop PowerPoint Presentation Software skills ( moving from Exercise 6 and how to make a copy, and then research and editing and updating the slides after completion to next exercise).

DO NOW: What have you learned about the process of preparing a presentation with PowerPoint and then being told you must make a copy and update the information on the slides already prepared and filed? Is it easy to make changes once you have completed a PowerPoint project? Is it complicated? How did you do it yesterday with the Brazil Presentation?

LP: In class today we will review and move forward to the exercise 8 on pages 402 - 405, using the original presentation of Brazil PowerPoint slides saved - So use Brazil, not Brazil 2 slides.

( Focus: copy text formatting, moving and copying text, increasing and decreasing paragraphs, moving and size placeholders.)

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