Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ms. Kirshner, MBA, MS

AIM: How will we understand the power of Advertisements and Public Relations Press Releases?

DO NOW: Think of a television commercial you have seen recently, which is to promote a sports event or product or service. Identify the commerial. What is it for? Where did you see it? When? Who do you believe the target audience for the commercial was supposed to be?
What did you like about the commercial? What didn't you like? What was memorable about the commercial? Describe the commercial in sequence, including the characters, actors, stars if there were celebrities used, and whether or not it was animated. How much time was the commercial? How many times did you see it and on what channel and time?

Be prepared to discuss it.

Today's lesson is evaluation of print ads and press releases, in preparation for our new group project. Students will select one to two partners to work together, no more than that, and will create a telvision commercial for a product or sports team, along with print ads (at least 2-3) and a press release. Students will select the product or team they will choose as the product to promote, and report team member names and the choices made by each team for the project. Students will research today, advertisements online and press releases online (see franchise of sports team sites, like the Mets. )Type in Mets Press Reselease in Google).

Your choices will be reported by one member to Ms. Kirshner at ProfessorKLK@aol.com.

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