Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Week of May 27 - 30, 2008 MOS Periods 6, 7

We brainstormed in class and some of you came up with excellent suggestions of what the difference between the contents on a business card and the contents of an ad and the brochure are, and what is different for the purpose of communication.

We agreed that an ad and brochure have a headline, and more information about a product or service than a business card, and it can be used as a selling and information tool.  More than one object or image can be included in an ad or brochure. A brochure is usually folded, and larger than a business card. 

We discussed the word headline and what it is and what is a subheading.  You can look up these words with dictionary.com.

Today you started a brochure for a small business from the list of options provided to you and you saw how easy it is to create business communication materials for  a small business using a desktop publishing program with templates available.

We will continue with the three fold brochure and then try a promotional postcard and a poster  for a music concert of interest to you.  What are the components of a postcard? 

 Let's discuss how this promotional tool is used and how it is different than the other promotional materials we've discussed, and produced.

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