Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008 MOS

The previous contest is back on!  ...and  the new MEGA-CONTEST which includes three parts is on!  The three parts:  1. History of Money PowerPoint Slide Show, at the advanced level you reached, with animation schemes, transitions, and sound; 2. the History of Money Poster/Full-page MS Word Ad (which also counts as a test grade); the History of Money PowerPoint full-slide interactive, animated and with sound and graphic ad, same as the other one, but with customized animation scheme and with sound, for the Internet. This ad also counts as a test grade.  

What is expected:  You should include a headline such as The History of Money, subheading: A Dynamic PowerPoint Presentation; Presented by Dr....................(your full name), Visiting Professor of Economics, Harvard University (you can use any university of your choice); 
Then make sure to include the Location:  Anywhere you choose, like Murry Bergtraum High School Auditorium
and When: Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 2 pm;  
and Tickets are available at the door.  Ticket prices: $10.00 at the door for VIP seating. $5.oo for unmarked seating; FREE for students of  Murry Bergtraum High School.  You can also just say: Admission is FREE.  Whatever you think works best. Use your own wonderfully creative mind to create the ad/poster that will get noticed and read.  

The PowerPoint ad can be the same content, via copy and paste, or you can make it harder and create another ad, but it is not necessary. You will set up the animation in the SetUp Slide Show menu, and you can add sound, just as you did with the PowerPoint project itself.  This is the second ad.

The last thing, a separate assignment is your business card. Please first go to Microsoft's Help Menu and Type in "Business Card Template'" and see what comes up.  If we are lucky there is a template for business cards in our computer's MS Word files and you can use it to create a whole sheet of business cards to be printed later and trimmed to business card size (as cited in previous postings). Please make sure to read the full blogs. Also, take advantage of the challenge to spot the errors, if there are any.

PRIZE   for First Place Winner:    Two free movie tickets on a card for AMC LOEWS and Award Certificate;
Second  and Third Place Winners receive Award Certificates.  A mystery prize is possible for 2nd Place. Send your suggestions to Ms. Kirshner -

Make sure to include an illustration related to money,  dollar bill(s) or other related image of your choice.
At least one such image is required.  Use color in your ad, as well.

Regarding the business cards, please check the blogspot for more detail in previous days' blogspots.

Ms. Kirshner

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