Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sports Marketing - Period 8 ongoing from May 7 -

AIM: How will we understand the powerof advertising combined with "PR" (Public Relations) as a means to promote a product or service (using a Sports Team which we will create, name, position, and promote).

DO NOW: In the past we looked up Press Releases that were online, via the NYMets website and we examined the full page "Print Ads" from Sports Illustrated and from the 2008 SuperBowl collection, which I brought to class for "show and tell"....

Now it is up to you to look up a unique or unusual sport, which you will create a team for, name that team, and describe the target market for that team.. Please specify a target market and create a profile of the "demographics" of that group you will target with your ad and PR campaign and finally with your television commercial.

As we reviewed in class, advertisers target people by a profile, known as demographics.
Look up the word "demographics" at Dictionary.com, and then type its definition and give an example of a demographic profile of people who would watch or even play the sport, their age range, income level, and identify geographic location, and the lifestyle of these people you will target.

Als, look up these new vocabulary words: 1. Commercial, 2. Adverising Campaign, 3. Commercial Storyboards, 4. Video Script.

THE BIG PROJECT (to continue through next marking period, culminating in a commerial for television and presentations.)

The Objective: Students will choose an uncommon/unusual sport and create a team for it, and then promote it, by preparing press rleleases, business cards as PR reps, printads, and a commercial for television (using storyboarding, video script, and a video camera.

Please make sure to ...
Return to resarching commercials on the internet and list those that were created to:


Identify the commercial and the ads you may also find into one of the above-cited categories.

Try to include links to each; that would be great!

For the Project,
choose a sport we have not discussed. Something unique, like skateboarding, fishing, motorcycle team racing, bicycle team racing, rollerblading, horse racing, snowboarding, or skydiving, karate, gymnastics, competition dancing, or other ideas you may have. Try not to stick with traditional sports teams. Note, It must not involve the abuse or mistreatement or dogs, horses, roosters, women or children, or other creatures, other than maybe Crocodile wrestling, but then it may be too dangerous. Put your creative minds to the test.

Name your new team. If it is a team of your creation, that is better than a team that exists. You can copy and save images for your picture file which will be useful in your project. Make sure to save it with a different name that easily identifies what it is, for exampleP 9769.jpg is renamed Skateboard1.jpg and saved to your picture folder, by right clicking the mouse and going in File to Save As and renaming the image .

Do Not attempt this project by yourself. You are working in teams of 2-3 students to create and promote your team product/services.

You must create and state where it will be placed with a rationale for placing it there --two full page ads, and two Press Releases announcing the formation of the team and a competition with details of location, date and time, along with nameof the team, the sport and the team members's names. A second release can be produced to go to a different audience, for example geographically, or to radio shows to include on the air publicity for FREE. (That is what the Press Release does, it gets you FREE inclusion in Newspapers and on radio, as "fillers"when they are short on news or commercials.)

Note: When we get to the commericals, the video will be limited to One-Minute. Ciommercials are very expensive, can you think of the reasons why?

As I recall, your teams were selected already, and you cannot do this alone.So get started, first with the research phase. You can contact me by email with questions or problems and I will help you.

The project will be evaluated on an ongoing basis. You have to get me your work and any quesitions or problems, and I will evaluate as you go along. Storyboarding and scripting the commercial will take a longer time, so it will run ito the next marking period. Don't worry. You can do it! Have faith in yourselves, as I do.

The rationale for this project approach is to give you an opportunity go live and be the sports marketer/promoting a team and then presenting your work as you would if you were actually running your own sports marketing business.

Ms. Kirshner, MBA, MS

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