Wednesday, March 19, 2008

MOS - Period 6 and 7 - Wednes.- Thurs. March1-20

AIM: Students will re-visit the Microsoft Excel worksheet/spreadsheet environment and use the program to recreate a KWL Chart provided by Ms. Kirshner.

DO NOW: Type and use decorative font to present the Do Now, You can box the proverb as well....
Interpret this English Proverb: " 'Tis money that begets money."

LP: Excel. Yesterday we continued completion of the KWL Chart using the spreadsheet in Excel and we saved our work as "KWLchart1" in our folders. Next we typed in responses for what we know, want to know, ....etc. about Excel and then saved it and another time we used a copy of the chart we created to type in what we know, want to know, etc. about Sebastian Telfair or another celebrity you researched for extra credit.

Today we will move on to return to Excel and look at the charts that already exist and are possible to use in the program. We will try an example from the workbook. The Lesson and page will be identified on the board in class and placed in this blog today, as well.

Note: we had a lot of connection problems with the Internet yesterday. If you could not do your KWL chart, you should catch up, but do not avoid the lesson of today to do so. We must be on the same page today.

Remember to always send email to me at the address and to check this blog when you come into class and sign on.

Note do not print out anything without first asking me for permission. We are limited with paper and ink, and you can just as easily save it to your folder and send it to me as an attachment, as well as to yourselves.

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