Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008 Sports Marketing, Period 8

AIM: How are we going to understand the marketing of the 1960 Olympics, for those behind being the "Iron Curtain" in the former Soviet Union, and in a Command Economy, vs. being in the Democracy of the USA, which is a Free Market Economy?

DO NOW: After reading the article about the 1960 Olympics, and summarizing it, answer the following questions:
Do you think the Soviets had "sale promotions" and "advertising campaigns" for their best athletes in 1960?

Could a US Athlete get a contract to endorse cereal and sneakers and other things for sale? Could a Russian get the same thing in 1960 in the former Soviet Union?

What do you know about both economies and the potential for athletes to get rich with endorsement contracts in the USA? Give an example when you explain.

The article mentions boxers and an amount of unfairness in judging. Who was unfair? What side were the judges on? What did they do? Explain.

Note: Several students did not present their projects. Students who do not present and who have not submitted their completed projects are late and it must be presented and submitted to pass the class.

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